Growing models.

Semantic Evolution allows you to build models so you can capture data from your document types. You can either leverage a suite of our pre-built models, or we can help you build your own.

1. We can train the model for you.

If you don’t have a team to dedicate to your parsing needs, we can work directly with you to understand your needs, and determine the requirements and scope for your document types. We can help build and train your model using professional services for each use case, and train you to maintain your model. And should you want, we could run this as a managed service.

2. We can train you to train your model.  

If you have a team with deep experience managing a variety of business tools, platforms and technologies, you may prefer to establish a dedicated centre of excellence within your company to use our platform. Once your team is trained, they will have the self sufficiency and the independence to run as fast as they want.

3. You can use a pre-built model.

When you need highly accurate parsing and fast results, without the time-consuming onboarding processes, you’ll find our pre-trained models come into their own. We constantly develop and train models so that we can offer companies pre-trained, ready-to-roll models on pretty much any field within a specific document. 

4. You can use our automated Semantic Table Extract tool with no training at all.

Our Semantic Table Extract platform requires no training to set up or to operate.  It’s a SaaS technology, powered by Artificial Intelligence and is the most accurate extraction tool on the market. While we train tables in the background, all you have to do is log into our web-based user interface, upload your files then extract any tables which it identifies. It couldn’t be simpler.