Extract. Normalize. Enrich.

At Semantic Evolution, we deliver immense value where our unrivalled accuracy and speed of processing provide a significant competitive advantage.

Semantic Extract Platform

The leading technology for unstructured financial data.

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Semantic Extract - Custom data extraction

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Document Layout - Hierarchy and tables

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  • The world’s most accurate hierarchy and table detection service.

  • Easily and quickly detect and extract document structure with simple REST API.

  • Structure sections in a parent-child relationship providing context-based data capturing.

  • Complex sections and tables with multiple levels of headings, including totals & subtotals.

  • Pre-trained, highly scalable & fast.

Semantic Table Extract: Highest Performance & Accuracy in the market.

This table represents the accuracy performance of the machine learning service for each document type as of September 2021.  Source: internal test harness

This table represents the accuracy performance of the machine learning service for each document type as of September 2021.
Source: internal test harness


Libraries - Off the shelf data models

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  • Pre-trained data models are ready to go.

  • Map to your taxonomy, no coding.

  • Normalization & validation of row data attributes.

  • Standard mapping features.

  • Improve models with human feedback via Web UI.

  • Faster without compromising on accuracy.

FS - Annual Financials

FS - Interim Financials

FS - Annual Reports

SII - Solvency II

MB - Municipal Prospects

CB - Corporate Bonds

A - Alternatives

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About Semantic Evolution

We are a fast-growing technology firm with offices in London and Manhattan, dealing with great clients across the globe.

Our product uses artificial intelligence techniques to capture data from unstructured documents such as pdf's, spreadsheets and emails. Our parsing technology provides efficiencies to repetitive tasks which would normally require the time-consuming manual extraction of data.

Our unique scientific approach, industry leadership and total transparency bring intelligence to our client’s data.

Semantic Evolution

Intelligence Built In. Data extraction for the finance industry.


Season’s Greetings


How to extract tabular data from PDF utilising Semantic Table Extract?