Semantic Evolution work-from-home fundraising exercise challenge.

Last month, Semantic Evolution set a work-from-Home fundraising exercise challenge that safely encouraged everyone to stay active and healthy despite COVID-19 limitations while competing to donate money to charity at the same time.

Split into three teams, employees recorded their daily exercise routines and cheered on their teammates as the winning team would determine which charity would receive the donation.

Team Scoreboard.png

The activities included running, cycling, walking, pushups, squats, situps, workouts, and even wellness breaks, where employees earned points for meditating or stretching.

The winning team (Team C) elected to donate £250 to openDemocracy - free-thinking for the world, to support democratic debate across the world.

There were also individual winners for running, cycling, walking, pushups and situps. Each of these winners received a free lunch reward.

  • For running - Edouard, who ran 159 km.

  • For cycling - Daniel B, who cycled 177 km.

  • For walking - Oleg, who walked 171 km.

  • For pushups - Louis, who did 790 pushups!

  • For situps - Tomas, who did 3,630 situps!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in this company-wide challenge to be their healthiest selves for a good cause!


About Semantic Evolution

We are a fast-growing technology firm with offices in London and Manhattan, dealing with great clients across the globe.

Our product uses artificial intelligence techniques to capture data from unstructured documents such as pdf's, spreadsheets and emails. Our parsing technology provides efficiencies to repetitive tasks which would normally require the time-consuming manual extraction of data.

Our unique scientific approach, industry leadership and total transparency bring intelligence to our client’s data.

Semantic Evolution

Intelligence Built In. Data extraction for the finance industry.




Libraries - Off the shelf data models